Events with FCB Supporters’ Clubs

The attendance of Barça ex-players at events held by FC Barcelona Supporters' Clubs.
L'exjugador del FC Barcelona, Juan Carlos Rodríguez, lliura el record de l'Agrupació en presència del vicepresident del FCB, Jordi Cardoner.

In keeping with one of the FC Barcelona Players Association's objectives, which is to promote the Barça spirit, we accompany FC Barcelona at various events held by FC Barcelona Supporters' Clubs.

During 2017, we attended 160 events, a figure which not only proves the commitment of the group of ex-players, but also the value given to them by the supporters' clubs in asking for their presence.

Ask for an ex-player to attend your event via the department for FCB Barcelona Supporters' Clubs:

L'exjugador del Barça, Paco Clos, en un acte amb penyes de Galícia.
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